Our Mission


Promoting Education and Cultivating Empowerment Through Basketball


We transform communities by empowering women to become confident leaders through literacy and the sport of basketball.

We provide the means for young girls ages (13-18 yrs) to:

  • Write their stories and change their narratives.

  • Seek opportunities and careers beyond the stereotyped gender-specific careers.

  • Become leaders in their communities where their talents can be valued.


Our Vision

The 3 Pillars

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“14 years of civil war,” “Warlord Charles Taylor,” “Child soldiers,” “Rape,” “Cannibalism,” “Ebola,” and dozens more represent the stories told about the West African country of Liberia.

These narratives will continue to be perpetuated until the problem of illiteracy is addressed in Liberia. According to the World Bank, Liberian males 15-24 years have a literacy rate of 63.45% compared to 37.17% for females.

Through our Three Pillars (Education, Basketball, and Community), Rebound Liberia empowers young women to develop as confident leaders to change these one-sided narratives.

Illiteracy promotes the cycle of poverty, thus, Rebound Liberia aims to break that cycle and bridge the literacy gap between males and females in Liberia.

Rebound Liberia will build an indoor basketball court in conjunction with a community resource center where we will uplift young women and transform communities.
