
Our Impact

  • 0 Families Engaged
  • 0 Female Participants Yearly
  • 0 Skills and Personal Development workshops
  • 0 Community Supported

Our Mission

Promoting Education and Cultivating Empowerment (P.E.A.C.E)

Rebound Liberia is a U.S. and Liberia recognized non-profit dedicated to transforming communities by empowering women to become confident leaders.

Our program focuses on creating future leaders by cultivating critical thinking, psychosocial wellness and extensive interpersonal development through positive social interactions.

The programs will enable students to set attainable goals and build self awareness, respect for diversity and healthy relationships with peers, staff, and professionals from the industry and the community.

Our Objectives

  • Develop basketball skills and promote computer literacy

  • Support academic excellence

  • Expose students to colleges and career awareness

  • Develop leadership skills

  • Provide students with vocational and academic enrichment opportunities

  • Provide the means for students to:

    • Rewrite their stories and change their narratives.

    • Seek opportunities and careers beyond societal gender constraints.