2023 LeadHers Digital literacy and internship placement Program

Program Overview

For The 2023 LeadHers Digital literacy program will run Mondays-Fridays from September 4th - November 14th, 2023. Originally a basketball vacation program, the 2023 LeadHers program will instead focus on Digital literacy learning due to global changes as a result of the 2019 Corona Virus outbreak.

Rebound Liberia presents: a vacation program that will incorporate basic digital literacy, personal development workshops, virtual college & career panels and Internship placement. We are very excited for this modified program because we know it will be an amazing experience for all 40 Future LeadHers!


Digital Literacy with Microsoft

This year, Rebound Liberia is partnering with Microsoft to bring basic digital literacy to girls in Liberia. In a premier partnership with Microsoft, Rebound Liberia will be having computer training courses led by Rebound Liberia staff and volunteers. These sessions will include trainings on Microsoft Office Suite, and Digital Marketing.


Personal Development Workshops

Liberian youth are an especially vulnerable population as a result of the growing drug epidemic, increasing youth unemployment, and increased exposure to sexual exploitation. The personal development workshops will focus of topics such as sexual reproductive health, drugs and substance abuse, financial literacy, etc sexual and reproductive health, career planning, and alcohol and substance abuse prevention. 


College and Career Exploration

At the core of Rebound Liberia’s programming is exposure to career opportunities. This year’s LeadHers Program will introduce program participants to entrepreneurs in Liberia who will be a part of a zoom panel. Following this entrepreneurship panel, the participants will get a chance to come up with their own business ideas and pitch in Rebound Liberia’s very first Shark Tank Competition for a chance to win some seed funding.

Program Details

Date: Mondays- Fridays, September 4th through November 14th, 2023

Time: 10AM - 1PM

Location: TBA

Number of participants: 40 girls in high schools across Monrovia

How to register: If interested in this program come pick up a physical application at Rebound Liberia’s office located in the YMCA Building Crown hill, broad street Monrovia Liberia